About Free Spot
In today’s frenzied and fast paced world, our personal free time is becoming more limited. Recent studies indicate that today, we have an average of only 4 hours and 26 minutes of free time a week. As a result, the crunch on our free time leaves many service oriented businesses with last minute cancelations and the need to fill them. In fact, there are times when close to 31 percent of appointments are no shows.
Explore Free Spots
The Free Spot APP is an on-demand booking application linking service-oriented businesses to customers like you, seeking to take advantage of those unscheduled availabilities.
The Free Spot APP is the brain child of a busy mother, Christine Bakhtiyarova, who found it difficult to pre-plan and schedule necessary appointments whether it be for beauty, wellness or healthcare. Yet she knew that most businesses consistently have immediate last minute service schedule openings they would love to fill. In Christine’s words, “There are times when we need an essential appointment right away. Free Spot is my way to give you access to many businesses who are ready to serve you right now.” Businesses in your area uploading up to the minute notification alerts in the remarkable and unequaled Free Spot APP. A time slot you can grab in the moment without the wait!

Find place with best rating
So if you are looking to have that self care, therapy or health check session you know you can only get right that moment, the Free Spot APP is your source. Or if you are a business, seeking to connect with a new customer to fill up an open slot, Free Spot is your APP. Download the Free Spot APP on your iPhone or Android today because your free time is priceless.
Book an Appointment
Book an appointment, reschedule or cancel at your convenience. Easy to navigate calendar and availability slot at participating businesses.

Get Map Location
Location of the businesses and their business details for quick access before you book an appointment and one-stop service booking.
Add Your Services
As a service provider you can easily add all services you offer along with their pricing with few clicks.

Service provider can easily view appointments and manage bookings.
Excellent app
John Doe
last minute deals are great!
John Doe
Super cool app, great UI
John Doe
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
The Free Spot APP is an on-demand booking application linking service-oriented businesses to customers like you, seeking to take advantage of those unscheduled availabilities.
For iphone from Apple App Store and for Android phone from Google Playstore. Links are at the top of homepage.
After download you will see Signup screen, use it to complete setup your account.
Service provider can mark a service within 2 hours of scheduled service time and a notification will be send to all customers nearby. System also sends last minute notifications.